
Industry Demand-Driven Courses Available

With 70% coursework and hands-on activity, we strive to produce competent individuals to cater the industry needs. All our programs are designed by industry experts and we always ensure the contents up to date.

  • Certificate in Entrepreneurship
  • Certificate in Digital Marketing
  • Certificate in Hospitality Strategy & Digital Transformation
  • Certificate in Retail Sales & Marketing

Employment Insurance System

Designed as a safety net for employee who have lost their jobs due to retrenchment or other similar circumstances.


A scheme under PERKESO is to assist retrenched employees by providing Job Search Allowance (JSA) and Free training to gain additional skills and knowledge for a better career enhancement and employability.

Job Search Allowance (JSA)

  • Replacement income for those who have lost their sole source of income
  • Eligible recipients will receive the allowance for 3-6 months
  • The duration of payment will depend on the recipient’s Contributions Qualifying Conditions

Enquiry Form